This 1-1 coaching call is for creative-mamas-building-a-biz
who need personalized strategies to 
streamline their tasks and boost productivity.

BOOK 1-1

An Organized, Productive Day
 is Within Reach.

Struggling to
Manage Your Time Effectively?

Your business isn’t growing the way you want it to because you can’t find the time to focus on it.


You’re missing out on precious moments with your family because you’re always “too busy.”


Your to-do list keeps growing, and nothing ever seems to get crossed off.


If you are currently ...

and overwhelmed.

The endless juggling act of managing your business, your home, and your family leaves you drained, stressed,

Every day feels like a race against the clock,
and you’re always coming in last.

i see you...

Your business grow, knowing you’re making the most of every moment.

you'll watch:

Energized and productive, rather than overwhelmed and exhausted.

you'll feel:

More quality time with your family without sacrificing your business.

you'll have:

make steady, constant progress towards your goals.

wake up each day knowing exactly what to tackle.

manage your time effectively based on your core values.

The first step is having a clear, actionable plan to: 

You enjoy precious moments with your littles without the nagging guilt.
And they get the best of you.

You have uninterrupted time to focus on your business inside your work-block.

You end each day with a sense of balance and satisfaction by prioritizing your core values and goals.

KNOW exactly what to do + when to do it.
Achieve your business goals,
nurture your family relationships,
and still have time for yourself.

You CAN confidently juggle your roles.

schedule MY call!

to align your daily tasks with your core values and long-term goals.

This isn't just another
generic time management tip
it's a tailored strategy session

Because having a personalized coaching session can make all the difference

In our coaching call, you’ll get personalized strategies that
fit your lifestyle, helping you achieve MORE with less stress.

Because having a clear, actionable plan tailored to your unique situation isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s essential


a focused 60-minute session to dig deep into your biggest time management issue.

Presenting 1-1 Time Management and Productivity Coaching

 It’s a 60-minute deep dive to solve your biggest time-management issue,
and set you up for a successful week.

And busy mamas like you are who I designed the 1-1 Time Management and Productivity Coaching for:

I'm Jamie

+ Identify Your Core Issue: We’ll explore your main time-management challenges and current goals.

+ Craft Your Weekly Plan: Using my 6-block time management system, we'll create a personalized plan focusing on your biggest pain point.

+ Protect Your Progress: Learn strategies to safeguard your new plan against common pitfalls, ensuring long-term success.

Tired of feeling like you're constantly behind?

In this 60-minute session, we'll dig deep into your biggest productivity struggle and set you up with a practical, sustainable weekly plan.

Session Breakdown

Meet the Coaching Session that’s revolutionized time management:

+ A detailed, personalized weekly plan for implementing changes using the 6-block time management method.
+ Strategies to tackle your biggest time-management challenges & protect your new schedule.
+ Clarity on your most important tasks, goals and a clear path
to achieve them over the next 7 days.
+ Confidence in managing your time effectively.

Walk away with a comprehensive, tailored plan
for the next seven days that aligns with your life and goals,
giving you the clarity and control you’ve been craving.

You'll walk away with:

Ready for the change?

Put your new plan into action. Enjoy the clarity and confidence that comes from having a structured, manageable schedule.

3. implement and thrive

Together, we'll create a personalized 6-block time management plan, focusing on your biggest challenge and supporting strategies to protect your new routine.

2. Develop Your Custom Plan

Schedule your 60-minute 1-1 coaching session where we'll analyze your current struggles and goals.

1. Book coaching Session

Tackle your biggest time-management struggle and create a week that works for you with a tailored plan using the 6-block time management method.

Transform Your Week with a Personalized Productivity Plan


"Working with Gabby was above and beyond what I ever could have expected. It was a mental, physical, and emotional change. She helped me heal my relationship with food and my body." — Lisa M.

"Gabby helped me heal my relationship with food and my body."

"Gabby is a big sister presence + a kick butt coach all in one! I didn't realize how much of getting healthy was the mental work. She helped me get back on track after having my 2nd baby." — Marie H.

"Gabby is a big sister presence + a kick butt coach all in one!"

"I thought I never had time for my own health between 3 kids and a tiring job. Gabby taught me how to make time for and truly care for ME." — Jasmine V.

"Gabby taught me how to make time for and truly care for ME."

"Working with Gabby was above and beyond what I ever could have expected. It was a mental, physical, and emotional change. She helped me heal my relationship with food and my body... for good!" — Lisa M.

"She helped me heal my relationship with food and my body... for good!"

Treat yourself to a 60-minute relaxing massage for £60.

And get lunch after for £37 
to also help alleviate some stress, and improve focus for a day.

get a massage.
and a bite.

You could order take out for dinner, spending £48.50 on a meal. Twice.

While it offers convenience,
t won't provide long-term solutions to your time management struggles.

get take outs.

What else could £97 get you?

My offer,
1-1 Time Management and Productivity Call,
is a 60-minute session priced at £97.

* Offer ens September 9th 2024.
After the session, you can add on additional coaching package options.



This call is valued at £197, but you can get started for just £97.

+ 60 minutes of focused coaching tailored to your specific challenges
+ A personalized plan to enhance your time management skills
+ Strategies to boost productivity and effectiveness in your daily tasks

what's included

Get Personalized Productivity Solutions
for your biggest time management struggle –– now £97 Only!

Time Management & Productivity Coaching Call?

Your investment for the

schedule my call today

Ready to take control?

This special only lasts until September 9th!


"Working with Gabby was above and beyond what I ever could have expected. It was a mental, physical, and emotional change. She helped me heal my relationship with food and my body." — Lisa M.

"Gabby helped me heal my relationship with food and my body."

"Gabby is a big sister presence + a kick butt coach all in one! I didn't realize how much of getting healthy was the mental work. She helped me get back on track after having my 2nd baby." — Marie H.

"Gabby is a big sister presence + a kick butt coach all in one!"

"I thought I never had time for my own health between 3 kids and a tiring job. Gabby taught me how to make time for and truly care for ME." — Jasmine V.

"Gabby taught me how to make time for and truly care for ME."

My goal is to ensure you’re fully equipped to manage your time effectively and achieve your goals.

If you don’t see a noticeable improvement in your productivity after implementing the strategies we discuss,

I’ll provide a follow-up 30-minute Unstuck Session at no additional cost.

My Promise-Making Guarantee to You ...

This is your chance to overcome overwhelm and make meaningful progress through 
proven techniques and personalized guidance.

Join me in Time Management & Productivity Coaching Call to address your unique challenges,
create a roadmap to reclaim your time,
and achieve your aspirations.

I specialize in focusing creatives to maximize their efficiency and achieve their goals each week.
Through personalized coaching and tailored strategies, I guide my clients towards lasting success.

— Productivity coach with a 
knack for helping creative mamas like you break free from the shackles of procrastination and overwhelm.

Hi, I'm Jamie

And Who Am I?


Ready to reclaim your time?

... You appreciate tailored guidance + willing to implement to overcome your biggest time management struggle.

you appreciate

... You’re ready to invest in yourself to boost productivity and achieve your goals faster with effective strategies.

you're ready to

... You often feel overwhelmed by your to-do list and need actionable advice to streamline your tasks.

You often feel

... You're a busy mom struggling to manage your time effectively while running a business from home.

You’re a busy mom ...

You may be a fit for this if…

— Meredith Scott

Put a testimonial here that showcases why your offer is AMAZING! You don't need to put the whole thing the person said in order for this to be effective. Pick the best and pull it out here!"

What customers are saying:

... You’re looking for a quick fix without putting in the effort to implement the strategies discussed.

you're looking for

... You prefer reading books or watching videos over having a personalized coaching session.

you prefer

... You’re not ready to make changes to your current routines or habits.

you're not ready

... You believe you already have perfect time management skills and don’t need any assistance.

you believe

You might not be a fit for this if...


"Working with Gabby was above and beyond what I ever could have expected. It was a mental, physical, and emotional change. She helped me heal my relationship with food and my body." — Lisa M.

"Gabby helped me heal my relationship with food and my body."

"Gabby is a big sister presence + a kick butt coach all in one! I didn't realize how much of getting healthy was the mental work. She helped me get back on track after having my 2nd baby." — Marie H.

"Gabby is a big sister presence + a kick butt coach all in one!"

"I thought I never had time for my own health between 3 kids and a tiring job. Gabby taught me how to make time for and truly care for ME." — Jasmine V.

"Gabby taught me how to make time for and truly care for ME."

Struggling to balance your work and family life

Your days are a chaotic whirlwind of tasks and responsibilities.

Imagine having a clear, structured day where everything runs smoothly.

Research indicates that people who plan their day in advance are 33% more productive and 50% more likely to achieve their goals.

Let's chat and start working together!

take the first step. (it's easy!)


Schedule a 1-1 Productivity & Time Blocking Session, today!